Based on recording of Alexander Dubcek's (prime minister) radio speech after returning from Moscow on the 27th August 1968. He had to talk to the nation about new “friendship” with Soviet union. The sound track is transformed into a multi-channel audio installation that accentuates the dramatic moments in which spokesman under pressure of events, is unable to speak. In six discrete audio channels, repeat the loops, consisting of long, dramatic pauses in Dubcek's speech. In longer loop repeat Dubcek's exuse for his momentary inability to talk. Installation is inspired by the book of Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, in which writer describes his feelings during listening Dubcek's radio speech.
Acuo (2011) - multichannel sound environment
Acuo is an interactive audio-visual installation for public spaces. Acuo resembles a cosmic module which has landed in the city to observe the affairs around. Acuo sees and hears in a way different from ours. It scans the world with six microphones and three cameras; then it transmits the environment thus captured to the inside, to emit a spatial audio experience and to screen it through a LED system onto all of its inner walls. At the same time, Acuo transmits the sound around it through a terrestrial FM radio signal and streams both audio and video online to its base.
Multichannel sound installation focused on relation between public and private perceiving of sound.
Room with casts/ factory (2011) - installation for objects and sound - objects: Veronika Resslová
The speakers were placed on the gallery ceiling in three plastic pipes, which directed the sound so that it refracts off the curved walls creating an acoustic border in front of the objects.
Řeknu vám co vidím / I'll tell you what I see (2009) - radioart composition
I asked professional sports commentators from national Czech Radio to comment ordinary action at selected locations in streets of Prague downtown.
The task was to maintain the same style of speech and narration, as at sporting events, which they are used to comment.
I'll tell you what I see... places information into media reality which has no reason to be there. It is the act of selecting and classifying information according to its quality and placing it into the mass media - just as is the case with online social networks such as YouTube, MySpace, and Facebook, although these networks shift the framework of media reality outside the principles usually found in radio.
I'll tell you what I see... is an attempt at applying one prominent feature of these social networks to public radio. This feature is the absence of any more widespread reflection as to the values on whose basis we can justify the creation of such a substantial amount of information in our new (increasingly less virtual) reality.
Featuring: Filip Šedivý, Jan Kaliba, Vojtěch Bidrman Sound composition & design: Stanislav Abrahám
Praha slyšitelnosti / Audible Prague (2007) - site specific sonic performance
Czech classical music icon Vltava from composer Bedřich Smetana is recomposed in realtime by impulses taken from bridge passed by trains. The name of the original song is the same as name of the river under the bridge.